Our Environment
“Fisheries Inshore New Zealand works collaboratively with Government to ensure our impacts on protected species and the marine environment are carefully managed.”
Sustainability is the cornerstone of our business. Without careful stewardship of our marine estate, there would be more limited opportunities to use and enjoy our marine environment; which includes recreational, customary and commercial fisheries as well as other non-extractive activities.
While the Quota Management System is focussed on ensuring our fisheries themselves remain plentiful, the remainder of the Fisheries Act, and other domestic legislation, manages our relationship with the broader marine environment.
Fisheries Inshore New Zealand works collaboratively with Government to ensure our impacts on protected species and the marine environment are carefully managed.
This section provides the following information:
Fisheries Inshore's work with Government to manage impacts on protected species and the marine environment.
New technology and changes to the design and operation of fishing gear to reduce unwanted by-catch.
Fisheries Inshore's collaborative role to ensure fishing operations reduce the risk to marine mammal captures.
The National Plan of Action for Sharks (NPOA – Sharks) and the work involved to ensure its implementation.
Seabird-smart fishing practices.
Experimental gear trials and changes to fishing gear to avoid unwanted catch.
Fisheries Inshore's risk-based approach to marine protection.